Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We’re here to help.

Your lesson will be available immediately after purchase in your digital library.


After you click on the book image, it will take you to an e-reader where you can read your book. It looks like this:

Kingdom Business Leaders Network partners with churches around the globe to provide quality resources. If you have navigated to this site through a partner church, please reach out to that church’s business leader program director to discuss the program.

If your church does not yet partner with Kingdom Business Leaders Network, and you would like them to, please email us at to ask for more information.

There is no catch. They really are free. We promise not to pester you with emails and promotional materials. Our heart is to reach as many business leaders as possible with quality content to impact the kingdom.

We recommend you start with the free lessons. If you enjoy them, then search by topic, author, or keyword to find more amazing resources for your life and your business.

We offer a 30-day money back guarantee on all of our lessons. We believe in the quality and the substance in each lesson. To request a refund, email

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